люди нашел мамку хотел запустить но она выдала вот такую гадость:

601-Diskette Controller Eror
The drive is not installed. Mare sure that power and drive cables are connected, both to the drive and the
system board. Also verify that the cables are correct cables for your model. If this message persists,you
may need service for youre PC.
162-System Options Not Set.
Your system confiquration has chander sinse your last boot (addition of a hard drive, ets)
or a loss of power to the Real Time Clock has occured. The Real Time Clock will lose power if the ondoard
battery is not functioning correctly. Pressing F1 will Record the new configy Ration. If this message
persists, you may need to Replace the onboard battery.
918-This system docs not suppont the instaled processor.
