может кто уже пользуется, есть ли мнения какие?

---------- Total Moto v1.4a ----------
----------- Release notes ------------
---------- Date 27-Jul-2004 - 05:06 --

Supported models:
C250, C33x, C350, C350l, C450, C550, T72x, T72xi, Vxxx, V150, E380
Vxx - models not included in this release due to founded bugs with very Old models
all Vxx (v60,v70 (4mb flash), v60i,v70i (8mb flash), v80,v80i)
will be added in nearest future...

Very important info for this release:
is depended to Vxxx support

1. Not all Vxxx (v300, v400, v500, v525, v600) may be successfully unlocked...
- In cases like if SLZ (Security Lock Zone) is corrupted or corrupted by
other software or hardware or Software/Hardware combination
- In cases if SLZ has newer or none standard format or layout

2. Software always makes backup of SLZ (If You are trying to unlock Vxxx in first time)

3. If Your Vxxx handset die after unlock (just splash screen) U need to reconnect
it (shure if it is in flash mode). And press 'read phone info' button.
'Enable SLZ restore' feature will be unlocked automatically if
You already have a backup of this handsets SLZ. Or You can unlock it
manually just check 'Enable SLZ restore' check if U know that backup
is exist and U dont want to spent time for Reading phone info.

4. You can't repair your handset if You've lost your
SLZ backup and U have courrupted SLZ.

5. You can repair all software bugs in all Vxxx hansets exclude
corrupted SLZ by 'Repair/Upgrade' button.

6. You can change Language in almost all Vxxx handsets
(but Upgrade feature recomended).

7. SLZ repair feature is under development.

Detailed info for other models:

C33x, C350, C350L, C450, C550, V150, E380, t72xx
- Repair dead or about dead handsets
- Language customization
- Network/Provider decustomization
- Upgrade or Downgrade software Version
- Remove any locks
- Regional decustomization (like china to europe etc.)

- under development

Detailed info for GUI:

'Repair/Upgrade' button - repairs or upgrades your mobile software.

'Repair Boot' - repairs empty board mobiles.

'Write Language' - if it is possible writes language to mobile.

'Read Phone Info' - reads Unique MSN (Mobile Serial Number) and
searching info for this handset...

'Reset Subsudy Lock' - if it is possible Resets network/provider lock.

'Restore SLZ' - if it is exist restores BackUped SLZ.

All other features are automated...