Пытаюсь прошить даный агрегат,а он мне выдаёт

  14:31:55  SE PDA Flasher v1.08 by Cruiser Team
  14:31:55  Initializing...
! 14:31:55  1. Choose the phone model
! 14:31:55  2. Select PDA flash file pack (*.pda)
! 14:31:55  3. Please connect the phone while holding its C button…
  14:32:11  Connecting via Sony Ericsson Port (COM13, COM14)…
  14:32:11  Device driver version:
  14:32:11  Device driver date: 12-26-2007
  14:32:13  Selected phone: P990
  14:32:13  Selected flash file(s):
  14:32:13  P990i_GenericWorld1_R6E28_R9GA001_CDA162007-1_R6E28.pda
  14:32:13  Bypassing to the baseband CPU...
  14:32:14  Connecting to the baseband CPU...
  14:32:16  Entering baseband CPU service mode...
  14:32:16  Detected chipset: DB2001
  14:32:16  Boot mode: ROM
E 14:32:46  Error: 0x9D2F2420
E 14:32:46  Error: 0xAE24C00E
E 14:32:46  Error: 0xEB80927F
E 14:32:46  Error: 0xEB4BD9D2
E 14:32:46  Failed!
! 14:32:46  Please disconnect battery and cable from the phone!
! 14:32:46  To report errors right-click this window