Просмотр полной версии : K750 CID49 с убитым EROM

16.02.2007, 18:26
Принесли сабж после чьегото ремонта, внутри следов воды и удара нет, прицепил на круизер, он показал что ЕРОМ дохлый, с помощью ТП ЕРОМ восстановил и все, дальше как ни шил, никаких признаков жизни, хотя шьется по всякому. при включении ток прыгает 20-40-20 и остается на 20-ти. Я с круизером работаю совсем недавно, че я не так делаю? Или может Это все-таки железо? Вот последний лог, включая заливку ЕРОМа.

System diagnostics passed.
Version 10.33 beta ready!

[ --- Attach to Phone --- ]
Connecting via Fighter USB Cable...
Connect the testpoint!
Powering on the phone...
Booting via ROM...
Baseband chip ID: 0x8040
Protocol version: 3.1
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Trying recovery applet...
Sending applet prologue...
Disconnect the testpoint!
Sending applet ************...
Time spent entering bootstrap: 6s
Initializing phone hardware...
Applet ID: 040319 0923 LLECXC1326739_COMPACTCE...
Flash manufacturer: Intel
Flash ID: 0x890D
OTP Security Level: 1 (Retail)
Defeating RSA protection...
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 060222 0202 CRUCXC1250166_1_SEMC_CO...
Flash manufacturer: Intel
Flash ID: 0x890D
OTP Security Level: 1 (Retail)
Analyzing configuration...
Reading primary certificate...
Primary certificate CID: 36
Primary certificate color: Brown
Reading secondary certificate...
Secondary certificate CID: 36
Secondary certificate color: Brown
GDFS configuration not found.
OSE configuration found.
TestProgram configuration not found.
Phone hardware initialized OK

[ --- Flash Main Firmware --- ]
Flash file: "DB2010_Clara_EROM_Red49_R3A005_Patched.erom2"
Waiting for flash file to load...
Preparing to program flash...
Baudrate = 921600Bd
Programming flash...
Primary certificate has been overwritten.
Time: 00:00:02
Flash process done.

[ --- Turn off Phone --- ]
Turning off phone...
Phone turned off.
Phone automatically detached.

[ --- Attach to Phone --- ]
Connecting via Fighter USB Cable...
Powering on the phone...
Booting via ROM...
Baseband chip ID: 0x8040
Protocol version: 3.1
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Sony Ericsson phone detected.
Phone CID: 49
Phone color: Red
Flash certificate: A1_DB2010_49_RED
Trying Red CID49 flash applet...
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet ************...
Time spent entering bootstrap: 1s
Initializing phone hardware...
Applet ID: 060206 1814 NPACXC125872_COMPACTPRO...
Flash manufacturer: Intel
Flash ID: 0x890D
OTP Security Level: 1 (Retail)
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 050909 1014 NPACXC1250165_1_SEMC_CO...
RSA protection state cannot be determined for this CID.
Phone hardware initialized OK

[ --- Unlock RSA --- ]
Preparing to program flash...
Baudrate = 921600Bd
Programming flash...
Time: 00:00:00
Flash process done.
Phone automatically detached.

[ --- Attach to Phone --- ]
Connecting via Fighter USB Cable...
Powering on the phone...
Booting via ROM...
Baseband chip ID: 0x8040
Protocol version: 3.1
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Sony Ericsson phone detected.
Phone CID: 49
Phone color: Red
Flash certificate: A1_DB2010_49_RED
Trying Red CID49 flash applet...
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet ************...
Time spent entering bootstrap: 1s
Initializing phone hardware...
Applet ID: 060206 1814 NPACXC125872_COMPACTPRO...
Flash manufacturer: Intel
Flash ID: 0x890D
OTP Security Level: 1 (Retail)
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 050909 1014 NPACXC1250165_1_SEMC_CO...
RSA protection state cannot be determined for this CID.
Phone hardware initialized OK

[ --- Flash Main Firmware --- ]
Flash file: "K750i_FullGDFS_version1.ck75sw"
Waiting for flash file to load...
Preparing to program flash...
Defeating RSA protection...
Waiting for the phone to turn off...
Should the communication hang, reinsert battery.
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet ************...
Waiting for acknowledge...
Applet ID: 060514 1351 CRUCXCxxxxxx_S_LOADER_S...
Initializing applet...
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Applet ID: 060514 1351 CRUCXCxxxxxx_S_LOADER_S...
Identifying firmware...
Firmware ID: prgCXC125952_EU_1_CL
Firmware version: R1CA021
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 060525 0308 CRUCXCxxxxxx_PRE_LOADER...
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 060222 0202 CRUCXC1250166_1_SEMC_CO...
Baudrate = 921600Bd
Programming flash...
Time: 00:00:13
Flash process done.

[ --- Direct Unlock --- ]
Defeating RSA protection...
Waiting for the phone to turn off...
Should the communication hang, reinsert battery.
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet ************...
Waiting for acknowledge...
Applet ID: 060514 1351 CRUCXCxxxxxx_S_LOADER_S...
Initializing applet...
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Applet ID: 060514 1351 CRUCXCxxxxxx_S_LOADER_S...
Identifying firmware...
Firmware ID: prgCXC125952_EU_1_CL
Firmware version: R1CA021
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 060525 0308 CRUCXCxxxxxx_PRE_LOADER...
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 060222 0202 CRUCXC1250166_1_SEMC_CO...
Reading security zone...
Phone automatically detached.

[ --- Attach to Phone --- ]
Connecting via Fighter USB Cable...
Powering on the phone...
Booting via ROM...
Baseband chip ID: 0x8040
Protocol version: 3.1
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Sony Ericsson phone detected.
Phone CID: 49
Phone color: Red
Flash certificate: A1_DB2010_49_RED
Trying Red CID49 flash applet...
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet ************...
Time spent entering bootstrap: 1s
Initializing phone hardware...
Applet ID: 060206 1814 NPACXC125872_COMPACTPRO...
Flash manufacturer: Intel
Flash ID: 0x890D
OTP Security Level: 1 (Retail)
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 050909 1014 NPACXC1250165_1_SEMC_CO...
RSA protection state cannot be determined for this CID.
Phone hardware initialized OK

[ --- Flash Main Firmware --- ]
Flash file: "K750i_FullGDFS_version2.ck75sw"
Waiting for flash file to load...
Preparing to program flash...
Defeating RSA protection...
Waiting for the phone to turn off...
Should the communication hang, reinsert battery.
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet ************...
Waiting for acknowledge...
Applet ID: 060514 1351 CRUCXCxxxxxx_S_LOADER_S...
Initializing applet...
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Applet ID: 060514 1351 CRUCXCxxxxxx_S_LOADER_S...
Identifying firmware...
Firmware ID: prgCXC125952_EU_1_CL
Firmware version: R1CA021
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 060525 0308 CRUCXCxxxxxx_PRE_LOADER...
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 060222 0202 CRUCXC1250166_1_SEMC_CO...
Baudrate = 921600Bd
Programming flash...
Time: 00:00:13
Flash process done.

[ --- Direct Unlock --- ]
Reading security zone...
Unlocking phone...
Recalculating CRCs...
Phonecode: 0000 (default)
Turning off phone...
Phone automatically detached.

[ --- Attach to Phone --- ]
Connecting via Fighter USB Cable...
Powering on the phone...
Booting via ROM...
Baseband chip ID: 0x8040
Protocol version: 3.1
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Sony Ericsson phone detected.
Phone CID: 49
Phone color: Red
Flash certificate: A1_DB2010_49_RED
Trying Red CID49 flash applet...
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet ************...
Time spent entering bootstrap: 1s
Initializing phone hardware...
Applet ID: 060206 1814 NPACXC125872_COMPACTPRO...
Flash manufacturer: Intel
Flash ID: 0x890D
OTP Security Level: 1 (Retail)
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 050909 1014 NPACXC1250165_1_SEMC_CO...
RSA protection state cannot be determined for this CID.
Phone hardware initialized OK

[ --- Flash Main Firmware --- ]
Flash file: "K750i_CXC125952_EU1_R1DB001_Red49.ck75sw"
Waiting for flash file to load...
Preparing to program flash...
Baudrate = 921600Bd
Programming flash...
Time: 00:04:52
Flash process done.

[ --- Turn off Phone --- ]
Turning off phone...
Phone turned off.
Phone automatically detached.

[ --- Attach to Phone --- ]
Connecting via Fighter USB Cable...
Powering on the phone...
Booting via ROM...
Baseband chip ID: 0x8040
Protocol version: 3.1
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Sony Ericsson phone detected.
Phone CID: 49
Phone color: Red
Flash certificate: A1_DB2010_49_RED
Trying Red CID49 flash applet...
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet ************...
Time spent entering bootstrap: 1s
Initializing phone hardware...
Applet ID: 060206 1814 NPACXC125872_COMPACTPRO...
Flash manufacturer: Intel
Flash ID: 0x890D
OTP Security Level: 1 (Retail)
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 050909 1014 NPACXC1250165_1_SEMC_CO...
RSA protection state cannot be determined for this CID.
Phone hardware initialized OK

[ --- Unlock RSA --- ]
Preparing to program flash...
Baudrate = 921600Bd
Programming flash...
Time: 00:00:00
Flash process done.
Phone automatically detached.

[ --- Attach to Phone --- ]
Connecting via Fighter USB Cable...
Powering on the phone...
Booting via ROM...
Baseband chip ID: 0x8040
Protocol version: 3.1
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Sony Ericsson phone detected.
Phone CID: 49
Phone color: Red
Flash certificate: A1_DB2010_49_RED
Trying Red CID49 flash applet...
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet ************...
Time spent entering bootstrap: 1s
Initializing phone hardware...
Applet ID: 060206 1814 NPACXC125872_COMPACTPRO...
Flash manufacturer: Intel
Flash ID: 0x890D
OTP Security Level: 1 (Retail)
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 050909 1014 NPACXC1250165_1_SEMC_CO...
RSA protection state cannot be determined for this CID.
Phone hardware initialized OK

[ --- Flash Raw File System --- ]
Flash file: "K750i_CXC125953_EMEA1_R1CA021_Red49.ck75fs"
Waiting for flash file to load...
Preparing to program flash...
Baudrate = 921600Bd
Programming flash...
Time: 00:02:38
Flash process done.

[ --- Customize File System --- ]
Defeating RSA protection...
Waiting for the phone to turn off...
Should the communication hang, reinsert battery.
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet ************...
Waiting for acknowledge...
Applet ID: 060514 1351 CRUCXCxxxxxx_S_LOADER_S...
Initializing applet...
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Applet ID: 060514 1351 CRUCXCxxxxxx_S_LOADER_S...
Identifying firmware...
Firmware ID: prgCXC125952_EU_1_CL
Firmware version: R1DB001
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 060525 0308 CRUCXCxxxxxx_PRE_LOADER...
Sending CS applet...
The applet ignored baudrate change request!
Applet ID: 060118 0312 CRUCXC1327364_COMPACT_S...
Initializing CS applet...
Applet ID: 060118 0312 CRUCXC1327364_COMPACT_S...
Baudrate = 921600Bd
Starting up GDFS service...
Starting up filesystem, please wait...
Building customization...
Customizing phone...
Writing CDA Article MS string...
Writing CDA Version MS string...
Writing Default Article MS string...
Writing Default Version MS string...
Writing langpack string...
Writing country...
Uploading certificates...
Certificates uploaded successfuly.

[ --- Shutdown File System --- ]
Turning off phone...
GDFS access terminated.
Phone automatically detached.

[ --- Attach to Phone --- ]
Connecting via Fighter USB Cable...
Powering on the phone...
Booting via ROM...
Baseband chip ID: 0x8040
Protocol version: 3.1
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Sony Ericsson phone detected.
Phone CID: 49
Phone color: Red
Flash certificate: A1_DB2010_49_RED
Trying Red CID49 flash applet...
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet ************...
Time spent entering bootstrap: 1s
Initializing phone hardware...
Applet ID: 060206 1814 NPACXC125872_COMPACTPRO...
Flash manufacturer: Intel
Flash ID: 0x890D
OTP Security Level: 1 (Retail)
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 050909 1014 NPACXC1250165_1_SEMC_CO...
RSA protection state cannot be determined for this CID.
Phone hardware initialized OK

[ --- Unlock RSA --- ]
Preparing to program flash...
Baudrate = 921600Bd
Programming flash...
Time: 00:00:00
Flash process done.
Phone automatically detached.

[ --- Attach to Phone --- ]
Connecting via Fighter USB Cable...
Powering on the phone...
Booting via ROM...
Baseband chip ID: 0x8040
Protocol version: 3.1
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Sony Ericsson phone detected.
Phone CID: 49
Phone color: Red
Flash certificate: A1_DB2010_49_RED
Trying Red CID49 flash applet...
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet ************...
Time spent entering bootstrap: 1s
Initializing phone hardware...
Applet ID: 060206 1814 NPACXC125872_COMPACTPRO...
Flash manufacturer: Intel
Flash ID: 0x890D
OTP Security Level: 1 (Retail)
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 050909 1014 NPACXC1250165_1_SEMC_CO...
RSA protection state cannot be determined for this CID.
Phone hardware initialized OK

[ --- Restore Firmware --- ]
Defeating RSA protection...
Waiting for the phone to turn off...
Should the communication hang, reinsert battery.
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet ************...
Waiting for acknowledge...
Applet ID: 060514 1351 CRUCXCxxxxxx_S_LOADER_S...
Initializing applet...
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Applet ID: 060514 1351 CRUCXCxxxxxx_S_LOADER_S...
Identifying firmware...
Firmware ID: prgCXC125952_EU_1_CL
Firmware version: R1DB001
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 060525 0308 CRUCXCxxxxxx_PRE_LOADER...
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 060222 0202 CRUCXC1250166_1_SEMC_CO...
Searching for FW restoral file...
File name: R1DB001_CXC125952_EU_1_CL.ck75sw
FW restoral file found.
Reading phone RSA certificate...
Preparing to program flash...
Baudrate = 921600Bd
Analysing flash file...
Replacing secondary certificate...
Programming flash...
RSA protection was set back to normal.
Time: 00:00:02
Flash process done.