Просмотр полной версии : iphone 5 синий экран.

22.01.2016, 13:40
Пришло тело якобы после обновления по воздуху, при включении само падает в рекавери. Нажимаю восстановить, все как обычно вылазит яблоко с полосой, на компе Проверка восстановления iphone с Apple, дальше опять ожидание айфон и после этого секунд через 5 на телефоне синий экран, иногда синий экран через котороый мелькает яблоко. Телефон с виду в идеале, внутри вообще девственник, ни воды ничего, компас скинул сразу толку никакого, шью плату с нижним шлейфом от блока, все остальное откинуто(без дисплея тоже пробовал). Лог кидать думаю бестолку, там ничего не будет видно. Похоже на мертвый нанд, но именно с таким синим экраном никогда не сталкивался. ЩАс качаю бэту, попробую зашить ее, но на 95% уверен что толку не будет. В какую сторону ковырять? U2 вроде в норме, видится ПК обоими сторонами, при коротком нажатии на кнопку 0.05А потребление.

22.01.2016, 20:17
ошибки в студию

22.01.2016, 21:43
ошибки в студию

никаких ошибок, будет вечно висеть на ожидании айфон, при отключении естественно ошибка 9.

2016-01-22 10:29:34.327 [5252:1488]: restore library built Sep 28 2015 at 12:12:42
2016-01-22 10:29:34.327 [5252:1488]: iTunes: iTunes
2016-01-22 10:29:34.327 [5252:1488]: iTunes: Software payload version: 13D15
2016-01-22 10:29:34.328 [5252:1488]: iTunes: Using MobileRestore state machine
[08:30:23.0292] Changing state from '(null)' to 'Restoring'
[08:30:23.0296] requested restore behavior: Erase
[08:30:23.0296] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
[08:30:23.0297] requested restore behavior: Erase
[08:30:23.0297] requested variant: Erase
[08:30:23.0297] requested restore behavior: Erase
[08:30:24.0513] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: withApTicket is True
[08:30:24.0514] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "RestoreLogo" Digest = "<CFData 025DE880 [711E907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x49517ffc2012ca5334a3ab377a66024ae1eae2d3}"
[08:30:24.0515] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "RestoreDeviceTree" Digest = "<CFData 025DE5F8 [711E907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x4a6888cbdc9550cfcc63852bd652ea39f3f45469}"
[08:30:24.0515] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "RestoreKernelCache" Digest = "<CFData 025DE6D0 [711E907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x4f83d8d64c2d8ae958404cd1ad4261298752de79}"
[08:30:24.0515] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "RestoreRamDisk" Digest = "<CFData 025DE7A8 [711E907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0xd1caffb4c2d7d0a555b5e7a2bfae2b9b0b8395b9}"
[08:30:24.0515] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "iBEC" Digest = "<CFData 025DEC28 [711E907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x8e9d21924affcd3b1617cbb18ed25eb24ee14aee}"
[08:30:24.0515] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "iBSS" Digest = "<CFData 025DE9E8 [711E907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0xe87f3a21703cf67973714aed5341361f6e03fefe}"
[08:30:24.0515] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "KernelCache" Digest = "<CFData 025DEAC0 [711E907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x4f83d8d64c2d8ae958404cd1ad4261298752de79}"
[08:30:24.0515] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "ftap" not part of manifest, skipping
[08:30:24.0515] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "rfta" not part of manifest, skipping
[08:30:24.0515] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "ftsp" not part of manifest, skipping
[08:30:24.0515] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "rfts" not part of manifest, skipping
[08:30:24.0515] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "BatteryLow1" Digest = "<CFData 025DE7F0 [711E907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x1ba29d288cd4eaa8466cd9a1b4d56a768c1fc0df}"
[08:30:24.0515] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "BatteryLow0" Digest = "<CFData 025DE8C8 [711E907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x0f898938e9ead86d1382d4079c8a70b065674f72}"
[08:30:24.0515] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "LLB" Digest = "<CFData 025DECB8 [711E907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0xb44266c0534b1ad9f2863e75fcbf48fde42f81c5}"
[08:30:24.0515] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "iBoot" Digest = "<CFData 025DE958 [711E907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0xe607744e6e3120e0fa066651950533d77cda2ea6}"
[08:30:24.0515] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "DeviceTree" Digest = "<CFData 025DEA78 [711E907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x4a6888cbdc9550cfcc63852bd652ea39f3f45469}"
[08:30:24.0515] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "BatteryCharging1" Digest = "<CFData 025DEA30 [711E907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x3f308b57b24463eb53f891ad9a3fa67297479440}"
[08:30:24.0515] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "AppleLogo" Digest = "<CFData 025DEB08 [711E907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x49517ffc2012ca5334a3ab377a66024ae1eae2d3}"
[08:30:24.0515] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "BatteryPlugin" Digest = "<CFData 025DEB98 [711E907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0xcb4ddfc96e5dd5e5218390f45835fcddfe7217fa}"
[08:30:24.0515] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "BatteryFull" Digest = "<CFData 025DE910 [711E907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x18737f4f987004cc42c307621939223c0bc96eed}"
[08:30:24.0515] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "BatteryCharging0" Digest = "<CFData 025DEB50 [711E907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x7acadb4ec754ec8702a2bbe6850bda9b9d630ba3}"
[08:30:24.0515] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing "RecoveryMode" Digest = "<CFData 025DEBE0 [711E907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0xcca22e6578c429c6cc47057fc0e3468e9e779a3f}"
[08:30:24.0515] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: using UniqueBuildID <CFData 05E17BE0 [711E907C]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0xf5aba5f98b006f478df5867ff9799c7797f7740f}
[08:30:24.0518] amai: AMAuthInstallRequestSendSync: SSO function returned NULL and no SSO token was provided, SSO disabled.
[08:30:24.0519] amai: tss_submit_job_with_retry: TSS Connection attempt 1 of 3. (Will retry if TSS_ERR_SERVER_NOT_REACHABLE.)
[08:30:25.0139] amai: tss_submit_job: HttpQueryInfo returned 200
[08:30:25.0144] amai: AMAuthInstallRequestSendSync: received tss response (server version: 2.1.0)
[08:30:25.0158] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for "ftap"
[08:30:25.0159] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for "rfta"
[08:30:25.0159] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for "ftsp"
[08:30:25.0159] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for "rfts"
[08:30:25.0178] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for "Diags"
[08:30:25.0190] iBoot build-version = iBoot-2817.20.26
[08:30:25.0191] iBoot build-style = RELEASE
[08:30:25.0191] requested restore behavior: Erase
[08:30:25.0192] requested restore behavior: Erase
[08:30:25.0193] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
[08:30:25.0193] found device map entry for 0x00008950 0x00000002. boardConfig=n42ap platform=s5l8950x
[08:30:25.0194] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware: firmwareDirectory not in options
[08:30:25.0194] AMDeviceIoControl: GetOverlappedResult failed
[08:30:25.0194] AMDeviceIoControl: pipe stall
[08:30:25.0194] USBControlTransfer: error 31, usbd status c0000004
[08:30:25.0194] command device request for 'getenv radio-error' failed: 2008
[08:30:25.0194] radio-error not set
[08:30:25.0194] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
[08:30:25.0195] <Recovery Mode Device 14A25C58>: production fused device
[08:30:25.0195] requested restore behavior: Erase
[08:30:25.0197] requested restore behavior: Erase
[08:30:25.0197] interface has 1 endpoints, file pipe = 1
[08:30:25.0197] <Recovery Mode Device 14A25C58>: operation 4 progress -1
[08:30:25.0226] bootstrapping restore with iBEC
[08:30:25.0226] requested restore behavior: Erase
[08:30:25.0238] <Recovery Mode Device 14A25C58>: operation 31 progress -1
[08:30:26.0238] <Recovery Mode Device 14A25C58>: Recovery mode succeeded
[08:30:26.0238] Finished Recovery Restore Phase: Successful
[08:30:26.0522] Recovery mode device disconnected
[08:30:26.0522] Device removed when in state Restoring, moving device to transition state
[08:30:26.0522] Changing state from 'Restoring' to 'Transitioning'
[08:30:26.0522] Creating timer to monitor transition
[08:30:30.0282] Recovery mode device connected
[08:30:30.0282] Transitioning device returned, continuing restore.
[08:30:30.0282] Canceling timer
[08:30:30.0282] Changing state from 'Transitioning' to 'Restoring'
[08:30:30.0285] requested restore behavior: Erase
[08:30:30.0289] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid and boardid only.
[08:30:30.0323] requested restore behavior: Erase
[08:30:30.0323] requested variant: Erase
[08:30:30.0323] requested restore behavior: Erase
[08:30:31.0530] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: withApTicket is False
[08:30:31.0530] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RestoreLogo"
[08:30:31.0530] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RestoreDeviceTree"
[08:30:31.0530] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RestoreKernelCache"
[08:30:31.0530] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RestoreRamDisk"
[08:30:31.0530] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "iBEC"
[08:30:31.0530] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "iBSS" has been previously personalized; skipping it
[08:30:31.0530] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "KernelCache"
[08:30:31.0530] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "ftap" not part of manifest, skipping
[08:30:31.0530] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "rfta" not part of manifest, skipping
[08:30:31.0530] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "ftsp" not part of manifest, skipping
[08:30:31.0530] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "rfts" not part of manifest, skipping
[08:30:31.0530] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryLow1"
[08:30:31.0530] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryLow0"
[08:30:31.0530] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry "LLB" has been previously personalized; skipping it
[08:30:31.0530] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "iBoot"
[08:30:31.0530] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "DeviceTree"
[08:30:31.0530] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryCharging1"
[08:30:31.0530] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "AppleLogo"
[08:30:31.0530] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryPlugin"
[08:30:31.0530] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryFull"
[08:30:31.0530] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "BatteryCharging0"
[08:30:31.0530] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing "RecoveryMode"
[08:30:31.0530] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: nothing to be done
[08:30:31.0531] iBoot build-version = iBoot-2817.20.26
[08:30:31.0531] iBoot build-style = RELEASE
[08:30:31.0531] requested restore behavior: Erase
[08:30:31.0533] requested restore behavior: Erase
[08:30:31.0534] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
[08:30:31.0534] found device map entry for 0x00008950 0x00000002. boardConfig=n42ap platform=s5l8950x
[08:30:31.0534] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware: firmwareDirectory not in options
[08:30:31.0535] AMDeviceIoControl: GetOverlappedResult failed
[08:30:31.0535] AMDeviceIoControl: pipe stall
[08:30:31.0535] USBControlTransfer: error 31, usbd status c0000004
[08:30:31.0535] command device request for 'getenv radio-error' failed: 2008
[08:30:31.0535] radio-error not set
[08:30:31.0535] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
[08:30:31.0535] <Recovery Mode Device 14A25240>: production fused device
[08:30:31.0536] requested restore behavior: Erase
[08:30:31.0537] requested restore behavior: Erase
[08:30:31.0538] interface has 1 endpoints, file pipe = 1
[08:30:31.0538] <Recovery Mode Device 14A25240>: operation 4 progress -1
[08:30:31.0567] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
[08:30:31.0567] found device map entry for 0x00008950 0x00000002. boardConfig=n42ap platform=s5l8950x
[08:30:31.0567] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware: firmwareDirectory not in options
[08:30:31.0567] requested restore behavior: Erase
[08:30:31.0569] requested restore behavior: Erase
[08:30:31.0570] <Recovery Mode Device 14A25240>: operation 42 progress -1
[08:30:31.0570] requested restore behavior: Erase
[08:30:32.0596] <Recovery Mode Device 14A25240>: operation 5 progress -1
[08:30:33.0379] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
[08:30:33.0380] found device map entry for 0x00008950 0x00000002. boardConfig=n42ap platform=s5l8950x
[08:30:33.0380] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware: firmwareDirectory not in options
[08:30:33.0380] AMDeviceIoControl: GetOverlappedResult failed
[08:30:33.0380] AMDeviceIoControl: pipe stall
[08:30:33.0380] USBControlTransfer: error 31, usbd status c0000004
[08:30:33.0380] command device request for 'getenv ramdisk-delay' failed: 2008
[08:30:35.0798] <Recovery Mode Device 14A25240>: operation 6 progress -1
[08:30:36.0811] <Recovery Mode Device 14A25240>: operation 7 progress -1
[08:30:37.0223] <Recovery Mode Device 14A25240>: operation 8 progress -1
[08:30:37.0223] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
[08:30:37.0223] found device map entry for 0x00008950 0x00000002. boardConfig=n42ap platform=s5l8950x
[08:30:37.0223] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware: firmwareDirectory not in options
[08:30:37.0224] <Recovery Mode Device 14A25240>: operation 9 progress -1
[08:30:37.0224] <Recovery Mode Device 14A25240>: Recovery mode succeeded
[08:30:37.0224] Finished Recovery Restore Phase: Successful
[08:30:38.0681] Recovery mode device disconnected
[08:30:38.0681] Device removed when in state Restoring, moving device to transition state
[08:30:38.0681] Changing state from 'Restoring' to 'Transitioning'
[08:30:38.0681] Creating timer to monitor transition

22.01.2016, 22:35
Очень похоже на NAND,Вы правы....может тогда катануть ее для начала.

23.01.2016, 01:49
Очень похоже на NAND,Вы правы....может тогда катануть ее для начала.
может прогреть для начала

23.01.2016, 02:00
Труба кукла ни одного следа удара, нанд мог подохнуть скорее чем отвалится...

23.01.2016, 03:12
Получается выход один. Скинуть нанд, не пригрев бутер, да накинуть с донора, заведомарабочую. Прошьётся - всё понятно. Не поможет, тогда тут бубен посерьёзней может быть, где то в процессоре-опере(с учетом наличия всех напруг)

23.01.2016, 14:30
что на экране. полоска есть?

23.01.2016, 15:25
что на экране. полоска есть?

синий экран просто в основном. Иногда бывает синий экран и мелькающее под ним яблоко.


25.01.2016, 04:10
копать надо в сторону бутера

25.01.2016, 22:29
редкий случай. по всем признакам надо подкинуть др. нанд. А6 обождите трогать

25.01.2016, 23:43
Руки дойдут подкину и отпушу, тел знакомого, пока клиентского куча, не до него.