Does any************ know if there's any software to upload PRL into the following phones using USB cable?
1) Samsung N400 (CDMA) same as A460
2) Sanyo 5150
3) Sanyo 5300
any help is greatly appreciated,
Does any************ know if there's any software to upload PRL into the following phones using USB cable?
1) Samsung N400 (CDMA) same as A460
2) Sanyo 5150
3) Sanyo 5300
any help is greatly appreciated,
babenis Upload PRL - only Serial COM cable.
USB cable using only for modem functions
to est net takih program ?
i found one page about PRL and it said there that you PRL can be updated using over the air programming, Serial/USB cable
really hoping it's true that it is possible to do it using USB cable.
babenis PRL zalivaetsya bez problem cherez serial cable spec. softom. Po USB tol'ko modem mozhno uzat' v A400 (A460)
and you don't have the scheme of the cable do you ?
babenis A soft-to u tebya est'?
kakoi ? chtobi PRL update sdelat ? tak ego i ischu .. kabel est, a progi net ...
Можно сапдейтить все по ЮСБ, тока тебе дрова нужны стучись в асю 76148123 - скину тебе дрова на ЮСБ для санье, а с н240, н400, а500 там помойму и так все просто