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Тема: Отличия в прошивках для Nokia6510

  1. #1
    Администрация Аватар для GSM™
    Благодарностей: 1,555 : 358

    Отличия в прошивках для 6510

    Changes made from version 4.06 to 4.12:
    Timer T3186 is reset when camping to the new cell starts.
    Improvements to SI13 refresh on ext-BCCH.
    Improvement to camping on PCCCH: now possible to camp on cell after PSI1 and PSI2 are received. Earlier PSI1, PSI2 and PSI3 were all needed.
    RAC_ valid invalidated after every detach (local or procedure).
    Improvement to MS functionality: in NW, which continuously rejects the TBF establishment by sending immediate assignment reject.
    Improvement to cell reselection in case where C2 parameters are used for cell prioritisation.
    When MS lost coverage and returns service in a new RA and network mode of operation is I, then RAU is performed with update type combined RA/LA updating. If RA is not changed then update type is combined RA/LA updating with IMSI.
    Total PLMN search timer value is optimised for every used band combination.
    Pending or suspended PLMN search is started if own SI search is ongoing during TBF release.
    Improvement to SI search in case where SI13 is received with changed BCCH_CHANGE_MARK.
    Improvement to cell reselection in case where reselection reason is abnormal cell reselection.
    Attempt counter for unresponded attach request, detach request and routing area update request was increased after every request. Now attempt counter is increased after 5 requests.
    Improvements to RAU procedure in case where NMO changes from NMO2 to NMO1.
    Improvement in own SI search clearing when target cell reading is started in TBF mode.
    Improvement in reception of too many erroneous PSI blocks.
    Optimisation to 900->1800 cell reselection time.
    Direct hopping improvement: The length of the reassembled block is correctly updated to the actual output block length field, which is used in decoding of the message.
    Improvement in PFI value handling in Packet Resource Request.
    Pending channel configuration optimised neighbour SYNC or PSW measurement during TBF causing long cell reselection time.
    Improvements in Early Classmark sending in PCCCH.
    Improvements in handling the rejection cause #15 "No suitable cells in LA".
    Improvements in timing offset threshold for early SCH measurement in a PDTCH configuration. Now neighbour synchronisation is not missed in certain situations.
    If network transmits a message with incorrect values in non-GPRS cell options IE, then non-GPRS cell options IE is marked as not being present in the message. Implementation changed to cope with incorrect message.
    Not able to handle Immediate Assignment if it came in two parts (two-message assignment). Now two message assignments handled correctly.
    Improvements in handling of the MPH_NEXT_CELL_REQ message in PCCCH cell.
    Cell reselection not allowed to perform a barred cell during ongoing DL TBF.
    Handling of the combined RAU accept during MM state "Receive RR Activation Response" improved.
    Neighbour measurements are resumed after non-DRX->DRX (PCCCH).
    When SMS character coded NITZ or flexible PLMN name had 7 spare bits in the last octet, then the name length was calculated 1 character too long. Therefore in display an extra '@' character was shown when name length was 7, 15, 23, 31 or any other (8 * n - 1) length.
    TA update procedure changed. Latest sent TAI info is reused now as long as it is valid even if we get new values for the other direction. This change avoids gaps in the earlier procedure in receiving continuous TA blocks when taking the new TAI values in use.
    When PCCCH is accessed RSSI values are changed so that reselection is triggered. After successful reselection to another cell auto PSI1 -procedure is completed correctly.
    With several band combinations maximum PLMN search time is correctly set when e.g. next cell request received during suspended PLMN search.
    The cell, where SI/PSI13 is received, is supposed to support GPRS. Earlier GPRS support was marked as true only if PBCCH description is present in the SI13.
    SMS stability improvement
    Saving empty SMS to calendar improved
    SMS headers improved
    Other changes
    Automatic keyguard timing improvement (Setting time to 5.28 is also possible)
    Timed profile is also possible when clock is hidden.
    Stopwatch improvement (change in German behaviour in when deleting lap times)
    Voice commands improvement when memory is full
    Radio improvement: renaming saved stations improved
    Display text and icon improvements
    Operator list updated
    Changes made from version 4.05 to 4.06:
    Improvement to SMS (In some case there were problems to switch on the phone after a picture was moved from "template" to "archive" folder)
    Changes made from version 4.00 to 4.05:
    Support for new type of flash device added
    Improvement to Nokia WAP manager
    Phonebook: in Hebrew language;
    Viewing phonebook entry details
    Calling from phonebook
    Quick dial assignment - enter phonebook
    Improvement in Hebrew language (incoming calls)
    Label files updated with codes of variant and SWAP phones

    Changes from 3.35 to to 4.00:
    WAP improvements
    Phone powered off, if reset occurred at certain stage of startup
    Use of long USC2 strings in SMS messages improved
    Intergation to Versit 4
    Accept Hearder change for SyncML MIME type
    New Logical text caused wrong softkey handling for WTAI MakeCall
    Use Number feature did not work in ISA3 Call Server
    Number 100 couldn't be displayed
    Automatic restart improved
    If two OTA ringing tones were sent after each other, the later was not received
    Use number didn't work in picture messages
    Use of "Reset wallet" code improved
    Improvements to Call Counter
    Single selection list showed only three lines
    Softkey functionality improved
    GPRS connections improved
    Allow white space within URL parameter list to WMLS functions
    Improvement in Arabic: Stopwatch timer did not use Arabic digit
    Not all animated GIFs were shown
    WTLS re-send timers (got from WTP) were too long
    Digital Signature feature improved
    EMCL-form filling with certain WML-formatting improved
    Sorting Slovak/Slovene characters was incorrect when English was the selected language
    Vcard version element handling improved
    Improvements to OTA receiving
    Reading/viewing state and volume key combination improved
    If phone goes to reset loop, it does not power on anymore after certain amount of resets
    Changes from 3.30 to to 3.35:
    Call and network management: Call related service - USSD: Font of network reponse was too small
    Phonebook: Improvements when browsing phonebook memory
    Games: Minor game functionality improvements
    Games: Changes to Query Panel font
    Messaging: Cell broadcast improvement with GPRS Always online
    General memory improvements (PPM)
    Wakeup graphics implemented
    Arabic UI support
    To-Do list: Changes to Panel Font
    To-Do: Memory full was displayed incorrectly
    Rom-font used for displaying USSD command replies
    С Уважением, GSM™,
    Как купить рекламу на форуме

    Канал сайта в Telegram

  2. #2
    Благодарностей: 0 : 0
    народ подскажите
    у меня nokia 6510
    прошивка 4.12
    стоит ли переходить на 4.21 или нет
    не могу найти нигде какие отличия 4.21 от 4.12

  3. #3
    Администрация Аватар для GSM™
    Благодарностей: 1,555 : 358
    Думаю ничего особенного не появится. Мелкие глюки может исправили, не больше
    С Уважением, GSM™,
    Как купить рекламу на форуме

    Канал сайта в Telegram

  4. #4
    Благодарностей: 0 : 0
    так у меня итак глюков нету
    тьфу тьфу тьфу
    просто нигде нету инфы про 4.21

  5. #5
    Благодарностей: 0 : 0

    мне залили 4.21

    Пропала возможность заносить пользователей в Аб.Группу. Из этого следует : все пользователи на одной мелодии. (Неудобство для меня ощутимое, жена звонит, любовница, шеф или собутыльник)

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