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Тема: Не могу прошить E300

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  1. #1
    Благодарностей: 20 : 14

    Не могу прошить E300

    Доброго времени суток, попался E300 не могу прошить ни UFS ни оптиком, тело висло на заставке, следов влаги нет компаунд целый, тело в идеале с пленочками на дисплеях, пробовал UFS со стандартным кабелем, не вычитывается и признаков никаких при подключении не подает при прошивке пишет
    Region: 1, 0x00000000-0x00000647, Length: 1608 bytes
    Region: 2, 0x00004000-0x00006ECF, Length: 11984 bytes
    Region: 3, 0x00020000-0x00704467, Length: 7226472 bytes
    Region: 4, 0x00800000-0x0080004F, Length: 80 bytes
    Region: 5, 0x00801000-0x01035B33, Length: 8604468 bytes
    1st Boot Ok, McuId: 000603BD, Rom: 00004546, 3-2.2 (Trident 2)
    FlashLoader Failed: Flsync
    вычитал что есть E300 с интеловской флешой, нашел под него оптик (optiflash 36_intel_new memory) и прошивку (E300FXEEH1) при попытке прошить оптиком выдает: Sorry, an error has occured! (ERR_PROTOCOL)

    I E1 16:48:37 OptiFlash with Erase Unused Memory started!
    I E2 16:48:37 Preferences section [Default] selected!
    I E3 16:48:42 ThreadGUI started
    I E4 16:48:42 ThreadProtocol started
    I E5 16:48:42 OS: NT family, Ver:5.1
    I E6 16:48:42 Boot loader protocol type: passive
    I E7 16:48:42 Memory interface type: 0
    I E8 16:48:42 Setup loader: D:\WORK\GSM\Samsung\Flash\E300f\optiflash_36_intel_new_memory\optiflash 36_intel_new memory\sl_sceptre3_nice_std.sre
    I E9 16:48:42 Setup loader base addr: 0x04000000
    I E10 16:48:42 Flash loader: D:\WORK\GSM\Samsung\Flash\E300f\optiflash_36_intel_new_memory\optiflash 36_intel_new memory\fl_sceptre3_nice_std_v24.sre
    I E11 16:48:42 Flash loader base addr: 0x00000000
    I E12 16:48:42 Stack base addr: 0x00000000
    I E13 16:48:42 Stack buffers: 2
    I E14 16:48:42 0: 0x00000000 - 0x00ffffff [16 MB (16777216 Bytes)]
    I E15 16:48:42 1: 0x01000000 - 0x01ffffff [16 MB (16777216 Bytes)]
    I E16 16:48:42 Opened COM1 at 115200 baud
    I E17 16:48:42 PC transfer speeds (COM1): 57600 115200
    I E18 16:48:42 Loading S-record file (RangeCheck=Off)
    I E19 16:48:42 File: D:\WORK\GSM\Samsung\Flash\E300f\optiflash_36_intel_new_memory\optiflash 36_intel_new memory\sl_sceptre3_nice_std.sre
    I E20 16:48:42 SRE line 178: IGNORING: S70504001000E6
    I E21 16:48:42 There is 1 memory region in the S-record file:
    I E22 16:48:42 1: 0x04001000 - 0x04001b03 = 2820 Bytes
    I E23 16:48:42 Loading S-record file (RangeCheck=Off)
    I E24 16:48:42 File: D:\WORK\GSM\Samsung\Flash\E300f\optiflash_36_intel_new_memory\optiflash 36_intel_new memory\fl_sceptre3_nice_std_v24.sre
    I E25 16:48:42 SRE line 1202: IGNORING: S70500000000FA
    I E26 16:48:42 There is 1 memory region in the S-record file:
    I E27 16:48:42 1: 0x00000000 - 0x00004b0f = 19216 Bytes
    I E28 16:48:42 Loading S-record file (RangeCheck=On)
    I E29 16:48:42 File: D:\WORK\GSM\Samsung\Flash\E300f\E300FXEEH1\E300FXEEH1.s3
    I E30 16:48:42 SRE line 1: IGNORING: S00600004844521B
    I E31 16:48:45 SRE line 990393: IGNORING: S705A002000058
    I E32 16:48:45 There are 5 memory regions in the S-record file:
    I E33 16:48:45 1: 0x00000000 - 0x00000647 = 1608 Bytes
    I E34 16:48:45 2: 0x00004000 - 0x00006ecf = 11984 Bytes
    I E35 16:48:45 3: 0x00020000 - 0x0070492b = 7227692 Bytes
    I E36 16:48:45 4: 0x00800000 - 0x0080004f = 80 Bytes
    I E37 16:48:45 5: 0x00801000 - 0x01035ccf = 8604880 Bytes
    I E38 16:48:45 SendFile=D:\WORK\GSM\Samsung\Flash\E300f\optiflash_36_intel_new_memory\optiflash 36_intel_new memory\fl_sceptre3_nice_std_v24.sre, Mode=3
    I E39 16:48:45 Power on mobile !
    I E40 16:48:46 TalkToBootLoader (using COM1)
    I E41 16:48:46 Talking to passive bootloader
    I E42 16:48:47 Bootloader V2.2 using UART1
    I E43 16:48:47 ROM mask ID: 0x00004546 ( EF)
    I E44 16:48:47 ID register: 0x000603bd (Trident II)
    I E45 16:48:47 Bootloader type: 3 (0)
    I E46 16:48:47 Max. transfer size: 2176 bytes
    I E47 16:48:47 Data to transfer: 19216 bytes in 1 region(s)
    I E48 16:48:47 Send: 0x00000000 - 0x000007ff (=2048)
    I E49 16:48:48 Send: 0x00000800 - 0x00000fff (=2048)
    I E50 16:48:48 Send: 0x00001000 - 0x000017ff (=2048)
    I E51 16:48:48 Send: 0x00001800 - 0x00001fff (=2048)
    I E52 16:48:48 Send: 0x00002000 - 0x000027ff (=2048)
    I E53 16:48:48 Send: 0x00002800 - 0x00002fff (=2048)
    I E54 16:48:48 Send: 0x00003000 - 0x000037ff (=2048)
    I E55 16:48:49 Send: 0x00003800 - 0x00003fff (=2048)
    I E56 16:48:49 Send: 0x00004000 - 0x000047ff (=2048)
    I E57 16:48:49 Send: 0x00004800 - 0x00004b0f (=784)
    I E58 16:48:49 TalkToBootloader: OK
    I E59 16:48:49 Duration: 3s
    I E60 16:48:49 SendFile=D:\WORK\GSM\Samsung\Flash\E300f\E300FXEEH1\E300FXEEH1.s3, Mode=0
    I E61 16:48:49 TalkToFlashloader (using COM1)
    I E62 16:48:49 Switching over to flash loader
    I E63 16:48:49 COM1 is connected to UART1
    I E64 16:48:49 Sync'ing to flash loader
    I E65 16:48:49 Querying device information
    I E66 16:48:49 MSG: 0x0[0x1000000] 0xe0003024=0x10000d 0xe0003000=0x11044
    I E67 16:48:49 MSG: 0x0[0x0] 0xe000302c=0x0 0xe0003008=0xc00f
    I E68 16:48:49 MSG: 0x1000000[0x1000000] 0xe0003030=0x11000d 0xe000300c=0x1044
    I E69 16:48:49 MSG: 0x0[0x0] 0xe0003034=0x0 0xe0003010=0xc00f
    I E70 16:48:49 MSG: 0x0[0x0] 0xe0003038=0x0 0xe0003014=0xc00f
    I E71 16:48:49 MSG: 0x0[0x0] 0xe000303c=0x0 0xe0003018=0xc00f
    I E72 16:48:49 MSG: 0x0[0x0] 0xe0003040=0x0 0xe000301c=0xc00f
    I E73 16:48:49 MSG: 0xe0003020=0xa6
    I E74 16:48:49 Flash loader version: V4.28
    I E75 16:48:49 Max. TX/RX size: 65536/32768
    I E76 16:48:49 Mobile transfer speeds: 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800
    I E77 16:48:49 IDs returned by detection: 2
    I E78 16:48:49 AMD:0x89/0x8857, Intel:0x89/0x8857
    I E79 16:48:49 AMD:0x89/0x8856, Intel:0x89/0x8856
    I E80 16:48:49 Detected flash chips: 2
    I E81 16:48:49 0x89/0x8857: Intel 28F128W30B, 128 Mbit (16 MB (16777216 Bytes) in 263 sectors)
    I E82 16:48:49 0x89/0x8856: Intel 28F128W30T, 128 Mbit (16 MB (16777216 Bytes) in 263 sectors)
    I E83 16:48:49 Total flash memory: 32 MB (33554432 Bytes) in 526 sectors on 2 chips
    I E84 16:48:49 Port info:
    I E85 16:48:49 Logical port 0: COM1 <-> UART1 at 115200 baud (~100%)
    I E86 16:48:49 TalkToFlashloader: OK
    I E87 16:48:49 There are no reserved regions defined
    I E88 16:48:49 Data to be transferred: 15 MB (15846244 Bytes)
    I E89 16:48:49 Setup
    I E90 16:48:49 Sector: 0/0
    I E91 16:48:49 VerifyData: 0x00000000 - 0x00000647
    I E92 16:48:49 VerifyData: Detected difference (0x3c87085a != 0x826bce78)
    I E93 16:48:49 OpenSector: 0/0, 0x00000000, 8192, 0x13
    I E94 16:48:49 SendData: 0x00000000 - 0x00000647
    I E95 16:48:50 CloseSector: 0/0
    I E96 16:48:50 Sector: 0/2
    I E97 16:48:50 VerifyData: 0x00004000 - 0x00005fff
    I E98 16:48:50 Sector: 0/3
    I E99 16:48:50 VerifyData: 0x00006000 - 0x00006ecf
    I E100 16:48:50 Sector: 0/9
    I E101 16:48:50 VerifyData: 0x00020000 - 0x0002ffff
    I E102 16:48:50 VerifyData: Detected difference (0x1279e14b != 0x12df72d0)
    I E103 16:48:50 OpenSector: 0/9, 0x00020000, 65536, 0x11
    I E104 16:48:50 SendData: 0x00020000 - 0x00023fff
    I E105 16:49:12 WaitFor4CCs failed: ERR_TIMEOUT (6)
    I E106 16:49:12 0x796c7072 = rply
    I E107 16:49:12 0x67736d2a = *msg
    I E108 16:49:12 0x706d642a = *dmp
    I E109 16:49:12 WaitFor4CCs failed: 6
    I E110 16:49:12 Retry 1: SendData
    I E111 16:49:17 WaitFor4CCs failed: ERR_TIMEOUT (6)
    I E112 16:49:17 0x216e7973 = syn!
    I E113 16:49:22 WaitFor4CCs failed: ERR_TIMEOUT (6)
    I E114 16:49:22 0x216e7973 = syn!
    I E115 16:49:27 WaitFor4CCs failed: ERR_TIMEOUT (6)
    I E116 16:49:27 0x216e7973 = syn!
    I E117 16:49:32 WaitFor4CCs failed: ERR_TIMEOUT (6)
    I E118 16:49:32 0x216e7973 = syn!
    I E119 16:49:37 WaitFor4CCs failed: ERR_TIMEOUT (6)
    I E120 16:49:37 0x216e7973 = syn!
    I E121 16:49:37 Failed to sync
    I E122 16:49:37 SendFile: 5 (ERR_PROTOCOL)
    I E123 16:49:37 ReLoad: 5 (ERR_PROTOCOL)
    I E124 16:49:37 Error code: ERR_PROTOCOL
    E E125 16:49:37 Sorry, an error has occured ! (ERR_PROTOCOL)
    I E126 16:49:37 ThreadProtocol finished
    I E127 16:49:37 ThreadProtocol: 5
    I E128 16:49:37 ThreadGUI finished
    I E129 16:52:23 ThreadGUI started
    I E130 16:52:23 ThreadProtocol started
    I E131 16:52:23 OS: NT family, Ver:5.1
    I E132 16:52:23 Boot loader protocol type: passive
    I E133 16:52:23 Memory interface type: 0
    I E134 16:52:23 Setup loader: D:\WORK\GSM\Samsung\Flash\E300f\optiflash_36_intel_new_memory\optiflash 36_intel_new memory\sl_sceptre3_nice_std.sre
    I E135 16:52:23 Setup loader base addr: 0x04000000
    I E136 16:52:23 Flash loader: D:\WORK\GSM\Samsung\Flash\E300f\optiflash_36_intel_new_memory\optiflash 36_intel_new memory\fl_sceptre3_nice_std_v24.sre
    I E137 16:52:23 Flash loader base addr: 0x00000000
    I E138 16:52:23 Stack base addr: 0x00000000
    I E139 16:52:23 Stack buffers: 2
    I E140 16:52:23 0: 0x00000000 - 0x00ffffff [16 MB (16777216 Bytes)]
    I E141 16:52:23 1: 0x01000000 - 0x01ffffff [16 MB (16777216 Bytes)]
    I E142 16:52:23 Opened COM1 at 115200 baud
    I E143 16:52:23 PC transfer speeds (COM1): 57600 115200
    I E144 16:52:23 Loading S-record file (RangeCheck=Off)
    I E145 16:52:23 File: D:\WORK\GSM\Samsung\Flash\E300f\optiflash_36_intel_new_memory\optiflash 36_intel_new memory\sl_sceptre3_nice_std.sre
    I E146 16:52:24 SRE line 178: IGNORING: S70504001000E6
    I E147 16:52:24 There is 1 memory region in the S-record file:
    I E148 16:52:24 1: 0x04001000 - 0x04001b03 = 2820 Bytes
    I E149 16:52:24 Loading S-record file (RangeCheck=Off)
    I E150 16:52:24 File: D:\WORK\GSM\Samsung\Flash\E300f\optiflash_36_intel_new_memory\optiflash 36_intel_new memory\fl_sceptre3_nice_std_v24.sre
    I E151 16:52:24 SRE line 1202: IGNORING: S70500000000FA
    I E152 16:52:24 There is 1 memory region in the S-record file:
    I E153 16:52:24 1: 0x00000000 - 0x00004b0f = 19216 Bytes
    I E154 16:52:24 Loading S-record file (RangeCheck=On)
    I E155 16:52:24 File: D:\WORK\GSM\Samsung\Flash\E300f\E300FXEEH1\E300FXEEH1.s3
    I E156 16:52:25 SRE line 1: IGNORING: S00600004844521B
    I E157 16:52:26 SRE line 990393: IGNORING: S705A002000058
    I E158 16:52:26 There are 5 memory regions in the S-record file:
    I E159 16:52:26 1: 0x00000000 - 0x00000647 = 1608 Bytes
    I E160 16:52:26 2: 0x00004000 - 0x00006ecf = 11984 Bytes
    I E161 16:52:26 3: 0x00020000 - 0x0070492b = 7227692 Bytes
    I E162 16:52:26 4: 0x00800000 - 0x0080004f = 80 Bytes
    I E163 16:52:26 5: 0x00801000 - 0x01035ccf = 8604880 Bytes
    I E164 16:52:26 SendFile=D:\WORK\GSM\Samsung\Flash\E300f\optiflash_36_intel_new_memory\optiflash 36_intel_new memory\fl_sceptre3_nice_std_v24.sre, Mode=3
    I E165 16:52:26 Power on mobile !
    I E166 16:52:26 TalkToBootLoader (using COM1)
    I E167 16:52:26 Talking to passive bootloader
    I E168 16:52:28 Bootloader V2.2 using UART1
    I E169 16:52:28 ROM mask ID: 0x00004546 ( EF)
    I E170 16:52:28 ID register: 0x000603bd (Trident II)
    I E171 16:52:28 Bootloader type: 3 (0)
    I E172 16:52:28 Max. transfer size: 2176 bytes
    I E173 16:52:28 Data to transfer: 19216 bytes in 1 region(s)
    I E174 16:52:28 Send: 0x00000000 - 0x000007ff (=2048)
    I E175 16:52:29 Send: 0x00000800 - 0x00000fff (=2048)
    I E176 16:52:29 Send: 0x00001000 - 0x000017ff (=2048)
    I E177 16:52:29 Send: 0x00001800 - 0x00001fff (=2048)
    I E178 16:52:29 Send: 0x00002000 - 0x000027ff (=2048)
    I E179 16:52:29 Send: 0x00002800 - 0x00002fff (=2048)
    I E180 16:52:30 Send: 0x00003000 - 0x000037ff (=2048)
    I E181 16:52:30 Send: 0x00003800 - 0x00003fff (=2048)
    I E182 16:52:30 Send: 0x00004000 - 0x000047ff (=2048)
    I E183 16:52:30 Send: 0x00004800 - 0x00004b0f (=784)
    I E184 16:52:30 TalkToBootloader: OK
    I E185 16:52:30 Duration: 3s
    I E186 16:52:30 SendFile=D:\WORK\GSM\Samsung\Flash\E300f\E300FXEEH1\E300FXEEH1.s3, Mode=0
    I E187 16:52:30 TalkToFlashloader (using COM1)
    I E188 16:52:30 Switching over to flash loader
    I E189 16:52:30 COM1 is connected to UART1
    I E190 16:52:30 Sync'ing to flash loader
    I E191 16:52:30 Querying device information
    I E192 16:52:30 MSG: 0x0[0x1000000] 0xe0003024=0x10000d 0xe0003000=0x11044
    I E193 16:52:30 MSG: 0x0[0x0] 0xe000302c=0x0 0xe0003008=0xc00f
    I E194 16:52:30 MSG: 0x1000000[0x1000000] 0xe0003030=0x11000d 0xe000300c=0x1044
    I E195 16:52:30 MSG: 0x0[0x0] 0xe0003034=0x0 0xe0003010=0xc00f
    I E196 16:52:30 MSG: 0x0[0x0] 0xe0003038=0x0 0xe0003014=0xc00f
    I E197 16:52:30 MSG: 0x0[0x0] 0xe000303c=0x0 0xe0003018=0xc00f
    I E198 16:52:30 MSG: 0x0[0x0] 0xe0003040=0x0 0xe000301c=0xc00f
    I E199 16:52:30 MSG: 0xe0003020=0xa6
    I E200 16:52:30 Flash loader version: V4.28
    I E201 16:52:30 Max. TX/RX size: 65536/32768
    I E202 16:52:30 Mobile transfer speeds: 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800
    I E203 16:52:30 IDs returned by detection: 2
    I E204 16:52:30 AMD:0x89/0x8857, Intel:0x89/0x8857
    I E205 16:52:30 AMD:0x89/0x8856, Intel:0x89/0x8856
    I E206 16:52:30 Detected flash chips: 2
    I E207 16:52:30 0x89/0x8857: Intel 28F128W30B, 128 Mbit (16 MB (16777216 Bytes) in 263 sectors)
    I E208 16:52:30 0x89/0x8856: Intel 28F128W30T, 128 Mbit (16 MB (16777216 Bytes) in 263 sectors)
    I E209 16:52:30 Total flash memory: 32 MB (33554432 Bytes) in 526 sectors on 2 chips
    I E210 16:52:30 Port info:
    I E211 16:52:30 Logical port 0: COM1 <-> UART1 at 115200 baud (~100%)
    I E212 16:52:30 TalkToFlashloader: OK
    I E213 16:52:30 There are no reserved regions defined
    I E214 16:52:30 Data to be transferred: 15 MB (15846244 Bytes)
    I E215 16:52:30 Setup
    I E216 16:52:31 Sector: 0/0
    I E217 16:52:31 VerifyData: 0x00000000 - 0x00000647
    I E218 16:52:31 Sector: 0/2
    I E219 16:52:31 VerifyData: 0x00004000 - 0x00005fff
    I E220 16:52:31 Sector: 0/3
    I E221 16:52:31 VerifyData: 0x00006000 - 0x00006ecf
    I E222 16:52:31 Sector: 0/9
    I E223 16:52:31 VerifyData: 0x00020000 - 0x0002ffff
    I E224 16:52:31 VerifyData: Detected difference (0x1279e14b != 0x12df72d0)
    I E225 16:52:31 OpenSector: 0/9, 0x00020000, 65536, 0x11
    I E226 16:52:31 SendData: 0x00020000 - 0x00023fff
    I E227 16:52:32 SendData: 0x00024000 - 0x00027fff
    I E228 16:52:54 WaitFor4CCs failed: ERR_TIMEOUT (6)
    I E229 16:52:54 0x796c7072 = rply
    I E230 16:52:54 0x67736d2a = *msg
    I E231 16:52:54 0x706d642a = *dmp
    I E232 16:52:54 WaitFor4CCs failed: 6
    I E233 16:52:54 Retry 1: SendData
    I E234 16:52:59 WaitFor4CCs failed: ERR_TIMEOUT (6)
    I E235 16:52:59 0x216e7973 = syn!
    I E236 16:53:04 WaitFor4CCs failed: ERR_TIMEOUT (6)
    I E237 16:53:04 0x216e7973 = syn!
    I E238 16:53:09 WaitFor4CCs failed: ERR_TIMEOUT (6)
    I E239 16:53:09 0x216e7973 = syn!
    I E240 16:53:14 WaitFor4CCs failed: ERR_TIMEOUT (6)
    I E241 16:53:14 0x216e7973 = syn!
    I E242 16:53:19 WaitFor4CCs failed: ERR_TIMEOUT (6)
    I E243 16:53:19 0x216e7973 = syn!
    I E244 16:53:19 Failed to sync
    I E245 16:53:19 SendFile: 5 (ERR_PROTOCOL)
    I E246 16:53:19 ReLoad: 5 (ERR_PROTOCOL)
    I E247 16:53:19 Error code: ERR_PROTOCOL
    E E248 16:53:19 Sorry, an error has occured ! (ERR_PROTOCOL)
    I E249 16:53:19 ThreadProtocol finished
    I E250 16:53:19 ThreadProtocol: 5
    I E251 16:53:19 ThreadGUI finished

    заранее спасибо за любую информацию.
    Последний раз редактировалось Kostyan; 27.08.2010 в 19:13.

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