К сожалению V1.
IMEI: 351117200163753
Network: 24701
Type: 2
Это 100% рабочие коды.
А это то, что выдаёт этот калькулятор:
Найдите отличия
Ja v4era tozhe proverjal etot kalkuljator s Donglom generiruvajemimi kodami i oni savpodali toljko v 40% slu4ijev.
Потому, что это V1, а нужно V2 для нормальной работы.
The programmes contained in these files are for use by a person with a knowledge of unlocking.
I accept no liability or responsability for use or mis-use of the programmes.
1. Firstly you need to open the MS-DOS Prompt on your pc (You should be able to open this from START->PROGRAMS->MS-DOS Prompt)
2. You should now have a blck box appear on your screen
3. Now open the file and drag the file Dct4nck.exe box across to the black DOS screen & release mouse button
4. If you have done this correctly a prompt should appear on the screen giving information as to the location of the .exe file
5. Now you must enter the information available regarding the Dct4 handset you wish to unlock via code e.g. IMEI & network mcc-mnc
6. You must carry out the next procedure EXACTLY as it is written or it will not work:
7. You should have something like: C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\DCT4NCK.EXE_ (_ being the flashing cursor)
8. Now press SPACEBAR 1 time and enter either a 2 or 5 depending on ASIC type (5 being 3650 + 7650 and 2 being all other handsets)
9. For an example we will do a 8310 so you should have this: C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\DCT4NCK.EXE 2_
10. Now press SPACEBAR 1 time again and enter the 15 digit IMEI number: C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\DCT4NCK.EXE 2 350774103958688_
11. Now again press the SPACEBAR 1 time only and enter the 5 digit mcc-mnc code (for info on mcc-mnc see http://www.yeldar.co.uk/MCC-MNC.htm
12 Now we are nearly done! So you should have something like this on the screen: C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\DCT4NCK.EXE 2 350774103958688 21601_
13. Unlucky for some (13.) but lucky for you because you just press ENTER and your Dct4 unlocking codes will be displayed :-))
PLEASE NOTE: I strongly advise to subtract 1 from the 2nd digit og each line of codes in order to obtain 100% correct code every time!
The reason for this is because the codes are being calculated using an older version 1 type dongle and cannot calculate 100% correct codes
as the 2nd number of each line is 1 number too high e.g. #pw+0999763721749073+7# will become #pw+0899763721749073+7#
а должно быть
В общем надо удалиться в исследования
Да, то явно отличие не во втором знаке
Есть еще онлайн калькулятор где-то в англии, надо на нем это проверить. Хотя люди пишут что и этот работает
Думаю сожено и этот использовать, только не одну цифру придётся корректировать. Но не так всё прозрачно
А калькуляторов online всё больше и больше...
ja v nete nashol kalkuljator kotorij generirujet kodi izspolzujet griffin i dongle v1 i v2. Kazhdij iz kodov zazli4ajetsa, no vrodibe ljudi govorjat 4to vse kodi podhodjat. Stranno
Biezais добавил [date]1057939564[/date]:
IMEI: 351117200163753
Network: 24701
Type: 2
Dongle v1
Dongle v2
6 разных калькулятора здесь